
Saturday, 27 April 2013

Iron Man 3 (Post-Viewing)

Ok, so I've seen Iron Man 3 and in terms of the poster quality it is damn near spot on as discussed in my previous article. The one-sheet (seen right) is respectful of the movie, offering an insight into the narrative while raising enough questions to warrant an enjoyable cinematic experience.

The strongest aspect of the poster is undoubtedly Tony Stark/Iron Man in the front centre. A prospective cinema-goer will be able to establish the overall theme and tone of the movie through his character positioning and facial expression.

When Stark is coupled with the rich visual aesthetics of the background, it is evident that an initial interpretation of the poster will be generally accurate, though not entirely.

The most fascinating segment of this poster is the multiple Iron Men suits in the background. During my original poster analysis, I speculated that the technology had perhaps been widely distributed and maybe being used to benefit several opposing agendas. This was inaccurate, though it was perfectly justifiable to argue this as a possible theory as it seemed to be consistent with the events of Iron Man 2.

Avoiding spoilers, lets just say Tony Stark has had an awful lot of time on his hands.

To conclude, this poster is considerably accurate, visually engaging and not misleading. It has been well utilised as a narrative device that compliments any expectations an audience may have prior to a viewing. Having seen the film, I do feel that Iron Man is undermined by the multiple suits, which seem to have no other purpose than convenience. Unfortunately, this potentially spectacular feature failed to deliver on the intended WOW factor, and cheapened the overall dramatic effect of Iron Man, though it was visually impressive nonetheless.

Iron Man 3 is directed by Shane Black (Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang) and stars Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark/Iron Man, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley.

The film is currently on general release in the UK and due for release in the US on 3rd May 2013.

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